Monday, February 15, 2010

Gratitude and Happiness

As I have been so much enjoying our boys lately, I've been thinking about our son's birth parents and feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for their gift of parenthood to Cambry and I. In case it's not obvious, we love Oliver and Lennox more than words can say. Each day is a joy and a wonder with them. We can't believe how fast the months are flying by and how our boys are growing way too fast. I can't explain the joy of having two little guys squeal when I come home from work, or of Oliver crying when I tell him I am going back. The greatest blessing to me is that we have two very happy boys. I think every day of how great it is that they are so delighted with the smallest and simplest of things. Lennox with bubbles, Oliver with books and trains. Oliver clapping when we get it right, or Lennox just dying to be chased and then tickled. Nuggets from McDonalds or jampa! and jama! coming for a visit, rocking chair, silky, elmo, miook (milk), and especially tubby! Gratitude and Happiness from us to you.


Chiara said...

Ahhh are a dear soul. You ARE so blessed to have those two munchkins. They are so stinkin' cute!

Oliphant Family said...

Children are such a blessing! Your boys are growing so fast! I remember Oliver's baby shower and how small he was! They grow so fast!